Teaching Korea
Teaching Korean History through Amazing Objects


Teach the history of Korea as part of your curriculum at
Key Stages 2 and 3


Learn about Korea’s history
through the stories of 10
amazing objects


Discover more with
Teaching Suggestions and
Classroom Extras



Teaching Korea is dedicated to providing essential knowledge for teachers to teach – and pupils to learn – about this fascinating part of the world.

The history of Korea is explored through 10 amazing objects dating from the 6th Century CE to modern times.

Together they provide an overview of some of the key events, important people and major developments and reveal how this country has played a significant role in world history.

Specially-written histories providing extended stories of the 10 objects

Teaching suggestions providing classroom and at-home activities

Extra resources enabling you and your pupils to go further

So, search the website, learn about Korean history, and teach it as part of your curriculum.
Gold crown of Silla